A Short Guide About the Torque Multiplier; Definition & Types

· Workshop Tools Suppl,torque multiplier suppliers in the UAE
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The torque multiplier is a device which offers mechanical benefits while tightening or loosening bolts or nuts. Just as their name indicates, these tools are used to boost the amount of applied torque. The right use of these tools can allow the technicians to assemble or disassemble any heavy machinery. If you believe in smart work rather than hard work, then the torque multiplier is the ideal one for you.

They offer better safety, precision and upgraded productivity. In normal situations, both loosening and tightening the heavy-duty fasteners is a daunting task. But torque multiplier can be a priceless addition to your toolkit. This is because they can offer you additional strength to turn the screw, nuts and bolts. A slight push of torque multipliers can create a higher torque range.

This makes these tools a safer alternative to cheater bars or extended handles. However, using torque multipliers is not so easy. For better use, it is crucial to choose the right torque multiplier. So let's take a quick look at the 3 most common types of torque multipliers. Each of these torque multipliers has a different application. Buy an extensive range of torque multipliers from torque multiplier suppliers in the UAE.

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Hand Torque Multipliers

The very first category of torque multipliers is the hand torque multipliers. These multipliers are highly effective in field service use. These multipliers don't need any outer power source. They can be used anywhere where power is inaccessible such as mines or the sea.

Pneumatic Torque Multiplier

The next category of torque multipliers is pneumatic torque multipliers. These devices utilise compressed air to extend the force applied to the bolts and nuts. These devices are accurate, quick, and efficient. But they just need access to the compressor to function. For this reason, these devices are used in heavy manufacturing units which have adequate infrastructure.

Electrical Torque Multiplier

Another notable category of torque multiplier is the electrical torque multiplier. It utilizes AC power to either loosen or tighten the fasteners. The technicians control this multiplier with the help of microprocessors. These multipliers are more efficient than the hand multipliers. This is because of their speed. Contact a thread plug gauge & ring gauge Supplier in Dubai UAE to learn more about these tools.


So these are some notable facts about torque multipliers and their types. Torque multipliers include an epicyclical gear that multiplies the applied pressure at each stage of the gear range. Follow us to learn more about torque multipliers.

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